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21 Funny Tweets About The Pain Of Returning To Work After The Holidays

Heading back to work after the holidays is like taking a cold splash of water to the face. Instead of blissfully not knowing what day it is, you’re painfully aware that it’s a meeting-packed Tuesday. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media, you’re now scrolling through hundreds of unread emails. Instead of pushing off a task “until next year,” the reality of 2024 is here.
The people on X, formerly known as Twitter, share in this agony ― and they’re using humor to cope. We’ve rounded up hilarious tweets about returning to work after a long break. If you’re struggling this week, read on for a few laughs:
Does anyone remember the password to my office computer. And also a single aspect of how my job works.
oh god everyone is circling back
“yeah it was good thanks. quiet one. feels good to get back to some normality if im honest haha”
When all the people you told “let’s circle back to this in the New Year” start emailing you
don’t email tomorrow, come on. save it for Wednesday at the very earliest, tomorrow is the day we all stare at our computer and readjust to it conceptually
back to work tomorrow after 10 days off
i hope my email circling back after the new year does not find you. i hope you are free
When someone just says “Hi” on MS Teams without following up on what they want
falling to my knees when I open my email tomorrow
coworker: hey circling back on that thing we talked about in decemberme: stop living in the past
first day back in the office
no, your email is not “finding me well” on january 2nd
Firing up teams
I know I said we should have the whole last week of December off, but we should also have the whole first week of January off. What I’m saying is, we shouldn’t have to go back to work ever again.
changing up my job search parameters
I don’t care about what you did for Christmas or New Years lets just work in silence today👍🏾
Oh sorry when I said “let’s circle back after the new year” I mean literally never contact me again
Back to emails and Zoom tomorrow
all the people with a massive pile of emails to get through today
I can’t believe we can just have all those days off and then suddenly it’s over and we have to go back to work? Just out of nowhere? What the hell man that isn’t right at all
short weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort weekshort week
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